Monday, July 30, 2007

Back to School

Public schools in our area start in mid August.

Back to school means school supplies and new clothes. In Florida we are fortunate to have a tax holiday on school supplies from August 4 to August 13.

Another back to school supply is a library card...for adults and children. With it you have access to over 130,000 items, online databases for research...just a world of information.

All you need is an ID that has your current address. Parents need to register for children. Children aged kindergarten and up are eligible for their own card... a nice way to send new students off to school.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We're just wild about Harry....

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh Harry Potter book, was released on July 21. The libraries have ten copies and all are checked out with people waiting their turn.

Union County Public Library hosted a Harry Potter party. Almost 200 people attended and were treated to games, food, and the release of the book at 12:01am on July 21. Take a look at their video. (If you are reading in from a library computer, you'll be blocked by our CIPA mandated filter. Please watch if from home.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Summer Programs Winding Down...

Summer programs for children are winding down. One library finishes this week and the other two soon after. But there is still time for children to attend a program and of course, still time to read books.

The newest Harry Potter book will be released at 12:01am on July 21. The libraries will have copies on hand on Saturday when we open to check out. The publisher has strict guidelines as to when books can be purchased at a store or checked out at a library. This all helps to build the suspense for the last Harry Potter adventure.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 4

The libraries and bookmobiles are closed on July 4 in observance of the July 4 holiday. You can renew your books on line or reserve a book (place holds in library lingo) while we are closed.

Bookdrops are always open so you can return your books and items 24/7.

For more information on July 4 and our Declaration of Independence check this website.