Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Return on Investment in Florida Public Libraries

For every tax dollar received, Florida public libraries provide $8.32 in value.

The statewide return on investment increased from $6.54 in 2004 to $8.32 in 2008. The current study also examines the social value of public libraries and provides a return on investment calculation for each county.


Florida Libraries Support a Strong Economy

  • Jobs Created — A job is created for every $3,491 of public support to Florida libraries.
  • Income or Wages Increase — Income (wages) increases by $22.97 for every dollar of public support to libraries.
  • Gross Regional Product Increases — The value of all goods and services produced in the state of Florida increases by $10.57 for every dollar of public support to libraries. 

Libraries Provide Essential Services

  • Public libraries help people learn new things no matter their age.
  • Public libraries improve a community by helping people learn new skills so they can get better jobs.
  • Public libraries attract good businesses to the area. 
Find out what your library is worth to you.
    More information here.