Friday, October 8, 2010

How does your child hear and talk?

   Every child is unique and has an individual rate of development. The following represents, on average, the age by which most children will accomplish the listed skills.
Birth to 3 months
Hearing and Understanding:
· Startles to loud sounds.
· Quiets or smiles when spoken to.
· Seems to recognize your voice and quiets if crying.
· Increases or decreases sucking behavior in response to sound.
· Makes pleasure sounds (cooing, gooing).
· Cries differently for different needs.
· Smiles when sees you.
4 to 6 months
Hearing and Understanding:
· Moves eyes in direction of sounds.
· Responds to changes in tone of your voice.
· Notices toys that make sounds.
· Pays attention to music.
· Babbling sounds more speech-like, with many different sounds, including p, b, and m.
· Vocalizes excitement and displeasure.
· Makers gurgling sounds when left alone and when playing with you.
7 months to 1 year
Hearing and Understanding:
· Enjoys games like peekaboo and patty-cake.
· Turns and looks in direction of sounds.
· Listens when spoken to.
· Recognizes words for common items, like “cup,” “shoe,” and “juice.”
· Begins to respond to requests (“Come here,” and “Want More?”)
· Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds, such as “tata upup bibibibi.”
· Uses speech or non-crying sounds to get and keep
· Imitates different speech sounds.
· Has 1 or 2 words (bye-bye, dada, mama) although they may not be clear.
  Children typically don’t master all items in a category until they reach the upper age in each range.
  Information provided by the American Speech-Language-Hearing