Thursday, May 1, 2008

Anne is 100 years old.

Anne of Green Gables is 100 years old. The first Anne Shirley books were published in June 1908.

Many generations of readers have read the Anne of Green Gables books, and millions more have seen films and television movies of Anne's adventures.

L. M. Montgomery (Lucy Maud) was a prolific writer. In spite of problems with her health and her husband's health she wrote eight Anne stories. She also wrote a total 16 more novels, and over 500 short stories and poems.

Anne Shirley is L. M. Montgomery's best known work and she would live to see her books and character become an international sensation. The author died in 1942. The books have been translated in 36 languages.

Anne gets into 'scrapes' as Marilla would say. The books tell of Anne's life and adventures on Prince Edward Island, Canada's smallest province. Through the series of books we can follow Anne's life.

Many visitors go to Prince Edward Island each year visiting this fictional character's home.

The books and videos are available at your library.